There are lots of websites which can supply you with affirmations on pretty much anything. I think it is necessary to understand why affirmations are important, especially when trying to get pregnant.
What is an affirmation?
In a nutshell, it is a positive and powerful statement to help you reach your goal.
Benefits of affirmations.
If said daily and multiple times throughout the day, they have the power to change and motivate you.
If you stop and take notice of your internal dialogue, you may find that it’s quite negative, either criticising you or others.
It may go something like this-
I can’t do that, I’m just too old…..
I can’t wear that, what would people think…..
I’m too old now to have a baby…..
I’m always so tired……
I don’t have enough money…..
I may not be around to see my child grow up…..
Nothing goes my way, I’m just unlucky…..
The list is endless!
We can be quite critical of ourselves without even knowing we’re doing it as our thoughts have gone on auto pilot.
We are making affirmations all the time and they’re usually negative.
Time to Change
If we change our affirmations consciously, into positive statements, and repeat them daily, we are then retraining our subconscious mind and altering our internal dialogue.
This then becomes our new way of thinking motivating us to act on our goal, which in turn allows us to see opportunities we would otherwise be blind to.
This is certainly true for me. Had I not watched the paradigm shift course, I would never have created my definitive goals and vision and in turn found the help I needed to reach them.
Creating Your Affirmations
I learnt that it is important to create your own personal affirmations on how you want your life to be, how you want your pregnancy to be and how you want to feel throughout. As your goals begin to take shape, it’s also important to evolve your affirmations to fit in.
Take your time in choosing the affirmations and once chosen, make sure you that you are the subject of the affirmation by starting it with ‘I’. Make it a positive and powerful statement in the present moment.
Read them multiple times throughout the day, so that they stick in your subconscious mind. I used to stand in front of a mirror and say them out loud, a technique I learned from a book called ‘Think and grow rich’ by Napoleon Hill ( nothing to do with pregnancy, but had some good tips on mindset!) I recorded them and listened to them on my way into and out of work.
Of course affirmations alone won’t get you pregnant, but even if it only gives you an extra 1% chance in becoming so, then I think it’s worth doing.
The British Cycling team led by Sir Dave Brailsford won Olympic Gold by believing in a concept called “aggregation of marginal gains”. He and the team broke down everything they could think of that went into competing on a bike. They then improved each element by 1%, which achieved them significant improvement.
(If you get a chance, read ‘Atomic Habits”by James Clear. This is another great book to help with mindset but again nothing to do with pregnancy!)
Here is a link to my Affirmations template to either print off or type straight onto. Writing is more beneficial as you are really engaging the brain in the process. Writing by hand is a slower process, but you end up really digesting what you have written. This will also enable you to create a stronger mental picture of your desired outcome.
Thanks for reading x