person holding brown spoon above clear glass jar

Unlock the Benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine when Trying to Conceive

If you’re trying to get pregnant, you might be wondering if Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can help increase your chances of success. TCM—which includes acupuncture, acupressure and the use of herbs amongst other techniques —has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments. And while TCM is not a cure-all, there is evidence…

Molly Nichols- BELIEVE!

If you’ve read my home page, you’ll know that I attended a wonderful program on visualisation and affirmations. The programme was called BELIEVE! and was created and run by a wonderful lady, Molly Nichols. She only runs the course once a year and she has just opened up enrolment for her next 10 week mind-body…

woman lying on bed

Two Week Wait (2WW)

The two week-wait (2WW) can be an absolute nightmare for some women and it was for me. Whether you’re going through IVF, IUI, a natural cycle, or another method of fertility treatment, that 2WW can be tough. With IVF, you know the egg has been fertilsed and now it has to implant. For IUI, you’re…

Meditation for fertility

What is Meditation? Meditation is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to promote relaxation, stress relief, and inner peace. Today, meditation is practiced by people of all ages and from all walks of life. While it is often associated with religious or spiritual traditions, meditation can be enjoyed by anyone who is…


My IVF Journey Although IVF didn’t work for me, I still have praise for the doctors and clinicians who helped me whilst on my IVF journey, in particular those at the 2nd clinic. Their approach was to tailor the program to you and your hormones, rather than the ‘one size fits all’ method adopted by…