Molly Nichols- BELIEVE!
If you’ve read my home page, you’ll know that I attended a wonderful program on visualisation and affirmations. The programme was called BELIEVE! and was created and run by a wonderful lady, Molly Nichols. She only runs the course once a year and she has just opened up enrolment for her next 10 week mind-body fertility program.
She helps women over 35 on their fertility journeys with weekly meetings and guided fertility visualisations. She really makes you understand how the mind can impact your fertility and to let go of the past.
This course is definitely worth a go if you are in your 40’s, have unexplained infertility, have had miscarriages, undergoing IUI, IVF, FET and Egg Donation Cycles or and fertility issues!
Here is the link which I received from an email and please note, I am not an affiliate partner! I just know she helped me. I haven’t reached out to her to let her know that I am doing this, as she begins the program in the next few days.
I hope this reaches you in time.
Good luck on your journey and thanks for reading x
Here is the link again –BELIEVE!